What is your school?

Tests? Sports? Drama?
We believe your school is much  more than a place you have to be - we believe it's a place where God has sent you to make a difference. Your school is a...

9 Month Mission Trip

let's go!



Adopt your school!

There are 1 billion teenagers in the world today. 43 million teenagers live in America and go to 67,000 schools. Those schools are filled with people who need to hear the story of Jesus! God can use YOU to reach the students in your school. But first, we encourage you to "adopt" your school - make a commitment to pray for your school. Click the link below, type in your zip code, and click on your school to adopt it. 



The next part is very simple -
PRAY for  your friends who need Jesus.
CARE about those friends in genuine ways.
SHARE the story of Jesus with them!


don't do it alone

You need a team to do this and your church is the most important part of your team. Ask your pastor, youth pastor, and others to pray for you and  your school. Ask the students in your youth ministry to join you in doing this. And then connect with one of the many great ministries below who provide training, resources, and ideas for students who want to reach their schools. We recommend all of the ministries...

Area Youth Ministry

Campus Faith Clubs (Minnesota)

Campus Ministry Network

Claim Your Campus


Cru High School

Decision Point
(California, Colorado, Illinois, & more)

Edge Clubs
(Washington D.C.)

Fellowship of
Christian Athletes

First Priority of America
(southeast, central)

Impact Christian Fellowship (New York)

Jesus Clubs

Next Generation

Outreach Clubs (Pennsylvania)

Riot Starters

Seekers Christian Fellowship (NYC)

Students Standing Strong

Urban Youth Collaborative (California)

Youth Alive

Youth Commission Intn'l
(North Carolina)

Young Life

Youth For Christ

space holder

space holder

are you ready? let us know!

Want to connect? Message us!

9 Month Mission Trip is brought to you by our ministry partner, the
National Network of Youth Ministries and we would love to hear from you!